Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Well, we finished our last class today. I think I'm going to be OK. A few of us stayed late, set up our final projects and I have most of it complete already!!!Yay!! I really need to go over everything over the next few weeks and pick a few things to focus on - both for use and application. Anyway, it was a very enlightening five days. Hope everyone enjoyed it and will use this great stuff.
Happy Summer!


  1. Happy summer to you Linda! Will see you in September!

  2. Hi Linda! Yes, I was surfing around and saw that I had a comment..how exciting! It was a fun class, I feel so much more techsavvy! I went onto www.blabberize.com it was one of the sites that we had to tag for our delicious tag cloud, and I made a picture of my dog talk and put it on my wiki page. My husband thinks I have too much time on my hands now and my kids just think that I am crazy.
    I will have Susan in the class that starts on Monday night and then you and I will see each other again in September, I hear from Susan that 620 and 622 are a lot of work, but we are almost done...Will talk to you soon, Ronnie
